Multiple Forces Coming Together

Nurseries from the Central Tablelands Region meet to discuss strategy and collaboration

Efficiency - LEP23-CTLL-02

The issue

At the inagural Central Tablelands muster the opportunity to create a collaboration between nurseries in the region was identified. This came from the discussion that on larger projects, the individual nurseries did not have the capcity to grow the numbers of stock to fulfil large orders.

With the nurseries working independantly there is currently little sharing of knowledge, or any communication between the nurseries. All the nurseries and their staff members have an incredible amount of knowledge about what they do, so it seemed a shame to not have any transferal of knowledge between groups.   

The solution

It was suggested that the nurseries gather to discuss possible strategies of collaboration, and how the load of large orders can be distributed between nurseries within our catchment.

A meet and greet was held on the 12th December, with the Central Tablelands Local Landcare Nursery and Watershed Local Landcare Nursery, our Regional Coordinator and the Lithgow Oberon Landcare Association Local Coordinator in attendence. Additionally we were joined by Lithgow Community Nursery board members, and Lithgow Council members.

We had the opportunity to understand different nursery processes, share ideas and just put names to faces.

The impact

Although we had no conclusions on how to move forward, the different groups had positive networking outcomes where we planted the seeds for future collaborations. We will most likely organise a future strategy meeting to discuss how we can strengthen this collaboration, and hopefully create some sort of alliance between the nurseries whilst still being able to maintain their own individual identity. 

It would be great to be able to increase the size of orders we can take on in the future, and hopefully create a larger environmental impact through getting more trees in the ground in the region to mitigate some of the environmental issues we are facing. 

[Photo credits: Claudia Macleay - Central Tablelands Regional Coordinator]

Author: William Love

Key facts

  • Regional Landcare and community nurseries joined together for a meet and greet
  • We shared extensive knowledge and processes with eachother
  • Hopefully we will be able to take on larger project orders than the individual nurseries can handle

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