Past events
Site Events
- 2014-06-25T09:00:00+10:05
- 2014-06-25T12:00:00+10:05
WednesdayPrimrose Park Bushcare
- 2014-06-25T08:00:00+10:00
- 2014-06-25T16:00:00+10:00
WednesdayGet Involved
You can volunteer with Lake Macquarie Landcare in a variety of ways!
- 2014-06-24T08:00:00+10:00
- 2014-06-24T16:00:00+10:00
TuesdayGet Involved
You can volunteer with Lake Macquarie Landcare in a variety of ways!
- 2014-06-22T09:01:00+10:00
- 2014-06-22T13:01:00+10:00
SundayBitou Bash
- 2014-06-08T00:00:00+10:00
- 2014-10-21T00:59:00+10:00
SundayBush regen on Lookout Hill
We are actively regenerating bushland on Lookout Hill in Maclean, as part of our Forest Corridors project. Have a look at some of the photos in our gallery!
- 2014-05-25T09:01:00+10:00
- 2014-05-25T13:01:00+10:00
SundayBitou Bash
- 2014-05-21T12:07:00+10:05
- 2014-05-21T13:07:00+10:05
Wednesday1080 Pindone Users Course
This course is offered free of charge to Weddin Landholders to become accredited to purchase 1080 baits for fox baiting.
- 2014-05-11T00:00:00+10:00
- 2014-09-23T00:59:00+10:00
SundayBush regen on Lookout Hill
We are actively regenerating bushland on Lookout Hill in Maclean, as part of our Forest Corridors project. Have a look at some of the photos in our gallery!
- 2014-05-01T00:00:00+10:00
- 2014-05-31T23:59:00+10:00
ThursdayMay is membership month
Every year we are looking to actively engage and encourage more people to join Central Tablelands Landcare whilst spreading the word of our achievements from the previous year.
- 2014-04-27T09:01:00+10:05
- 2014-04-27T13:01:00+10:05
SundayBitou Bash
- 2014-04-13T00:00:00+10:00
- 2014-08-26T00:59:00+10:00
SundayBush regen on Lookout Hill
We are actively regenerating bushland on Lookout Hill in Maclean, as part of our Forest Corridors project. Have a look at some of the photos in our gallery!
- 2014-04-09T12:00:00+10:05
- 2014-04-09T17:00:00+10:05
WednesdayOpen/Growing Season Grazing Management Field Day
Grazing Management Field Day on how to best plan, manage and maximise forage use, growth and recovery during a growing period. Other topics will include livestock management and planning, animal feed requirements and practical methods of assessing recovery times of grazed pastures.
- 2014-04-09T00:00:00+10:05
- 2014-04-09T23:59:59+10:05
WednesdayPlant Identification & Native Seed Collection Workshop Wednesday 9th April, 9.30 am—3.30 pm Maclean Showground
Plant Identification & Native Seed Collection
- 2014-03-12T12:01:00+10:05
- 2014-03-12T17:01:00+10:05
WednesdayPest Animal Control Field Day: Bait Preparation
Feral pig and predator (foxes, wild dogs, cats) bait preparation day.
- 2014-03-09T00:00:00+11:00
- 2014-07-22T00:59:00+11:00
SundayBush regen on Lookout Hill
We are actively regenerating bushland on Lookout Hill in Maclean, as part of our Forest Corridors project. Have a look at some of the photos in our gallery!
- 2014-03-01T13:01:00+10:05
- 2014-03-01T15:30:00+10:05
SaturdayFirst Meeting For 2014. Cambelltown Art Centre 1pm to 3:30pm
In this free talk held at the Campbelltown Art Centre. Stephen will discuss bug biodiversity in our own backyards. We will also up date the plight of the Phasmid.
- 2014-02-09T00:00:00+11:00
- 2014-06-23T23:59:00+10:00
SundayBush regen on Lookout Hill
We are actively regenerating bushland on Lookout Hill in Maclean, as part of our Forest Corridors project. Have a look at some of the photos in our gallery!
- 2014-01-31T03:17:00+00:00
- 2014-01-31T04:17:00+00:00
FridayCalender of Events
Friday - Saturday 31st January - 1st February - Berry Show Sunday 2nd February - Bengalee Landcare meeting 9 -2 pm at 45 Ironbark Rd, Tapitallee Friday - Saturday 7th - 8th February Nowra Show Friday - Saturday 14th - 15th February Kangaroo Valley show Friday - Saturday 28th February - 1st March Milton Show
- 2013-10-24T00:00:00+00:00
- 2013-10-26T00:00:00+00:00
ThursdayAustralian National Field Days
We will be at the Australian National Field Days again this year. Come by and see us.