Checking for change with Jacqi Stol

Jacqui Stol talks about how landholders can measure the impact of changing their conservation, tree planting and grazing management practices. This system can be used to monitor changes in biodiversity over a period of two or three years.

How will you know whether your work to improve the environmental condition of sites, such as changing timing of grazing or stock numbers to enhance the recovery of native plants, is actually making a difference? It's important to know whether you are on track, and knowing that sooner rather than later can help you adjust your management and try new things if necessary to achieve a better result.

Checking for Change interview with Jacqui Stol (mp3)

Jacqui Stol, senior experimental researcher at CSIRO, talks about how landholders can measure the impact of changing their conservation, tree planting and grazing management practices. This system can be used to monitor changes in biodiversity over a period of two or three years. Go to the Atlas of Living Australia's Checking for Change to get more information and videos.

Linda with a tree planted at Wattle Valley