Bookham native plant identification and training
A workshop on native seeds and plant identification was held in Bookham.
Over twenty Landcare members from Sutton, Murrumbateman, Yass and Bowning-Bookham came together at the Bookham Memorial Hall to hear Stephen Bruce from Greening Australia speak about native seed collection, cleaning, storage and sowing techniques. This workshop was made possible from funding secured from a Yass Council Community Grant “Seed for the future - Collecting, cleaning, sowing and storing local seed for the future”. Comprehensive plant identification resources were provided by Stephen Bruce thus enabling participants to take such resources into their paddocks when they next attempt to collect native seed grown on their property. Morning tea and lunch were provided by the Bookham Hall and Red Cross ladies which was generously funded from the Yass Habitat Linkages project.
After lunch the group drove to the Bookham Cemetery and saw an extensive range of understory plants and unique sub-species of Eucalyptus trees which exist in that site.
If you are interested in joining a local landcare group visit the South East Local Land Services tent at the Murrumbateman Field days or email Kath McGuirk, Chair of Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups at kangiara@gmail.com