Bungonia is located 30km east of Goulburn NSW and is the gateway to the Bungonia National Park, famous for the deepest limestone gorge (slot canyon) in the southern hemisphere.
Bungonia village was surveyed in 1832 with provision for a public recreation area of approximately 5 acres which is administrated by a seven member Trust for the NSW Department of Lands. Recently the area was expanded to include a Crown Reserve and Travelling Stock Reserve (TSR) which in the Local Environment Plan was designated as a Biodiversity Hotspot being boxgum grassy woodland.
As part of a requirement to quantify for a grant to remove crack willows from Bungonia Creek, the Park Trust, under the supervision of the Sydney Catchment Authority, undertook a Rivercare Plan in which were listed some of the issues affecting the two creeks (Woodwards and Bungonia) flowing through the Park.
The main issues weeds, streambed erosion in Woodwards Creek with sediment impacting downstream on Bungonia Creek, poor water quality, native flora displaced by invading exotic species and feral pests.
The Trust decided to rehabilitate the creeks as part of its larger village beautification plan by removing weeds, encouraging regeneration of local native vegetation, plant native shrubs and trees where necessary and stabilise the stream bed of Woodwards Creek.
To date the Trust received a grant to remove crack willows from Bungonia Creek and replant the riparian area with native shrubs and trees. the Southern end of the park, outside the riparian zone of Woodwards Creek, has been cleared of weeds and replanted with native shrubs. the TSR and Crown Reserve will remain as remnant vegetation areas with weeds to be removed and fencing in the Western boundary.
The Trust received a grant to develop a Woodwards Creek rehabilitation plan, which can be used to apply for funding.
The Trust has developed a Park Walk, developed a garden around the War Memorial, replaced play equipment and built covered seating areas.
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