Back to Bulgandramine Cultural Gathering

National Reconciliation Week at the Back to Bulgandramine Cultural Gathering

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI007-012

The issue

The Back to Bulgandramine Gathering held in 2016 as part of National Reconciliation Week, was a huge success, but due to significant rainfall, the event was moved to town instead of being held at the Bulgandramine Mission. 

Since the 2016 event there had been an interest in holding the event again at the Mission site. There was a need for funding to provide the event free to the community. We believe that there should not be any barriers to coming together for occasions like this.

The solution

Central West Lachlan Landcare saw the opportunity to apply for base funding for the event through the Central West Local Land Services Resilient Communities Small Grans funding. This funding was provided to support and empower resilience and strength in our communities, so it tied in perfectly with this event.

Additional funding was received through NorthParkes Mine Community Investment Program and the DPI Aboriginal Fishing Trust. 

In kind support was provided by Parkes Shire Council, who provided many on ground facilities and promotional support. ARTC provided marquees to be kept at Bulgandramine for future events.

Central West Lachlan Landcare Coordinator, Marg Applebee worked with the Peak Hill Aboriginal Community Working Party and the Bogan River Peak Hill Wiradjuri Aboriginal Corporation to host the event.

The impact

The Back to Bulgandramine Cultural Gathering was an opportunity to share and teach about Aboriginal culture and and also an opportunity to learn new skills through workshops. 

There was also an opportunity to taste traditional food and learn weaving, Wiradjuri language and boomerang throwing. 

We were fortunate to be able to integrate Cultural Fishing with the DPI Fisheries into the day. This not only provided an educational experience, but also provided a line and tackle to participants. This funding was possible through the Aboriginal Fishing Trust Fund.

Conditions were perfect for a Cultural Burn with the Local Land Services staff. Staff explained the importance of burns, preparation and timing. 

Aside from the learning opportunities, gatherings like this are an opportunity to inspire younger generations to be involved in culture and give back to their community. They need to see and experience culture, not just learn about it from a book.

Author: Marg Applebee

Key facts

  • The Back to Bulgandramine Cultural Gathering was held as part of Reconciliation Week.
  • The Gathering was an opportunity to gain a better understanding of Wiradjuri culture.
  • We were fortunate to have the financial and in-kind support for this event.

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