Fertile Ground Celebration Dinner
The Celebration Dinner was a chance to profile the synergy that Landcare has with the community.
Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI007-001
The issue
The evening was an opportunity to bring attention to the positive things that are happening in our region, in regenerative agriculture and showing the important synergy that Landcare have with organisations, both government and private.
Whilst Central West Lachlan Landcare (CWLL) have always recognised the importance of health on many levels being vital to not only landholders, but our communities in general, we undertook to promote a health focus during 2018, with our tag: Healthy Landscapes; Healthy People; Healthy Communities, which was one of the drivers for holding this event.
The solution
We were thrilled to welcome the Deputy Prime Minister, The Hon Michael McCormack MP as a special guest for our Celebration Dinner. Minister McCormack gave an entertaining address and, as our Federal Member, it was a pleasure to host him at the dinner.
We are fortunate to have volunteers who gave up their time to prepare everything from the table decorations (which looked fabulous), to setting tables and hauling the numerous essentials into the venue to make the evening such a success and then backed up the next morning to clean up.
The impact
Our first speaker, Pip Job, set the tone for the evening, drawing on her experience working with Landcare, summing up the important role that Landcare and coordinators play.
Susan Madden, Chair of the Central West Local Land Services gave an overview of the Landcare/CWLLS relationship.
Wendy Muffet spoke about the 'Grazing Down the Lachlan' event.
Guy Webb spoke about Soil C Quest and the short film 'Grassroots'.
Dr Adrian Zammit, Chief Executive Officer of Landcare NSW to bring our evening’s presentations to a close.
We received fantastic, positive, feedback after the dinner.
Our volunteers are priceless and we Landcare cannot do what we do without them.
Choose your venue well and rely on people that you have employed to do their job well.
Key facts
- The Fertile Ground Celebration Dinner was an opportunity to bring attention to the positive things happening in our region.
- The Dinner brought together our major partners.
- A beautiful venue and decorations, quality speakers, fantastic supporters and good quality food make for a special evening.