Waterway funding via the State

Collaboration with state members for grant announcement

Collaborations - LP002-R005

The issue

Over the past several years the riparian areas surrounding our precious waterways in the central west and beyond have been severely degraded due to drought and more recently flood waters, causing significant damage to the entire riparian area -soil erosion, loss of understory vegetation causing loss of habitat for native animals and aquatic species and decreased functionality of the entire water system.

The solution

The state government announced the funding as The Landcare Small Grants Program with funding coming from the Regional recovery package. Incorporated  Landcare groups in the state will be able to apply for $50,000 per group to undertake vegetation plantings, erosion works, fencing and alternative water points to fence off riparian areas-to name a few options,  regions can collaborate and apply for funding as a regional targeted project.

The impact

The impact of this funding will be a targeted approach to giving function back to the degraded water systems in the state which the varying climatic conditions have played havoc on.

The funding aims to provide direct funds to Landcare groups that can prioritise and target the areas in most need - in all possible cases local contractors will be used to undertake on ground works in turn stimulating economies in small regional towns.

Author: Melanie Kiel

Key facts

  • The funding comes from the state governments $200 million dollar Regional Recovery package.
  • it is to be used for the benefit of improving the states waterways and riparian areas.
  • The program will be facilitated by Local Land Services through an application process- projects will need to add value, be inclusive of local contractors and reasonably cover the entire state evenly.