Based in the Northern Rivers of NSW, Clunes Landcare is an on-ground volunteer Landcare group working to conserve the biodiversity of our local area. Our current work site is a small council-owned remnant patch of Sub-Tropical Rainforest on Remnant Drive.
Clunes Landcare was originally formed to restore the headwaters of a local creek, with a number of local landholders controlling weeds to support native vegetation regeneration. After a time of rest, the group re-formed in 2018 to tackle another site within the Clunes township, the remnant of Remnant Drive. The Remnant Project is in the early stages, with Lismore Council and neighbours working to devise a restoration plan that best balances ecosystem needs, site limitations and the volunteer energy of the group. Our first activity was a planting on the steep bank on the ‘front’ north west facing slope of the site, with follow up maintenance regularly after planting. If you would like to join Clunes Landcare, get in touch!
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