Banyam/Baigham Restoration and Cultural Awareness Project 2012 – 2014 NSW Environmental Trust Protecting Our Places Program. Banyam/Baigam Landcare Group (EnviTE Administrator)

NSW Environmental Trust

Banyam/Baigham Landcare Group developed from the Slaters Creek 'Reconnecting to Country' working group in 2010. Slaters Creek and surrounding land has been identified by community members as an area of great Aboriginal cultural significance with good potential for rehabilitation. Lismore City Council has purchased 14 lots and establishing landholder agreements creating a large tract of open space - Banyam/Baigam Park. The project involves building on a revegetation and interpretive walkway project. The site contains high conservation value riparian vegetation, threatened species have been located in close proximity to the creek. Weeds such as Cockspur Coral Tree and Camphor Laurel threaten the site. The project aims to restore and rehabilitate riparian vegetation, freshwater wetland and floodplain forest, develop landcare group skills in environmental restoration by working with professional bush regenerators, increasing community awareness, knowledge and skills in NRM and Aboriginal cultural practices and provide a connection for people back to the land.
