The Macquarie Perch Project -

Macquarie Perch Project - 2006 -2008 The Macquarie Perch is endangered and in serious decline throughout most of its former range. This project is improving knowledge through habitat assessment and species monitoring. It is producing a Conservation Information package for the community. It aims to achieve targeted and general community awareness, and identify ongoing conservation needs.

Macquarie Perch Project Activities

In 2006 the FMR group win a Threatened Species Network grant to perform a study on the breeding sucess of the vulnerable Macquarie Perch in the Mongarlowe River. Incorporating hundreds of volunteer hours, and multiple liasons with local groups and conservation agencies, 68 possible breeding sites were mapped. A comprehensive picture of water quality, riparian condition, and weed incidence was also formed and clearly documented creating a functional data benchmark. A much sought after information pack on acquatic ecosystems and river care was compiled and distributed to all riparian landholders along the Mongarlowe River and it's tributaries. This was a collaborative project with local landowners and the local fish clubs. Background article leading to this project details  here

The Macquarie Perch is endangered and in serious decline throughout most of its former range. This project is improving knowledge through habitat assessment and species monitoring. It is producing a Conservation Information package for the community. It aims to achieve targeted and general community awareness, and identify ongoing conservation needs.

Most of the habitat assessment and population assessment activities for the Macquarie Perch project were completed in January-April 2007. Further population assessments will be ongoing, again through Fyke Netting, and also snorkel drifting.

FMR completed  its Threatened Species Network Community Grants program project to protect the Macquarie Perch in the Mongarlowe River. This enabled FMR to study the Macquarie Perch and its habitat in the Mongarlowe River, and informing the community of the findings. Native fish expert Mark Lintermans provided his expertise in habitat identification and population sampling, assisted by FMR volunteers. A summary of scientific and environmental findings by Mark Lintermans here

Su Wild river as President FMR 2009 presented at a Landcare, CMA knowledge sharing meeting in Narooma, a copy of presentation outlining the project  and outcomes is summarised in the report here

AGM presentation here

Newspaper acrticle Braidwood Times 2007 here

Background documents and final reports can be found on this site under Reports and Documents

A Place story was also made PLACE STORY MACCA PROJECT

Post Project Activities

Most of the habitat assessment and population assessment activities for the Macquarie Perch project were completed in January-April 2007. Further population assessments will be ongoing, again through Fyke Netting, and also snorkel drifting.

FMR received third prize in the NSW Landcare Awards for this project. Certificate here and a followup article here

A detailed summary of project outcomes report by Mark Lintermans here

FMR has taken over the regular sampling of water quality in the Mongarlowe River and its tributaries. We maintain an active interest in developments on the river, including bridgeworks, and a new fish-friendly passage being established at Burke's Crossing.

FMR aims to continue working closely with local fishers, who have been some of the most active and valuable partners in the Macquarie Perch project. In addition, FMR will assist landholders to establish Voluntary Conservation Agreements on riparian land. The project completed with presentation to FMR members and a mailout to landholders on both the river and its tributaries.

Macquarie Perch Project partners included:

The NSW Department of Primary Industries

Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority,

Palerang Shire Council

Mongarlowe Landcare Group

Mongarlowe Bushfire Brigade

Braidwood fishing club

Department of Environment and  Conservation

