The Gearys Gap/Wamboin Landcare Group will have a native plant sale at the Sat. 20 April 2024 at the Wamboin Home Produce & Craft Market and Wheels of Wamboin event, Wamboin Community Hall, 112 Bingley Way, Wamboin.


20 Apr, 2024 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1000)

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The Gearys Gap/Wamboin Landcare Group will have a native plant sale on Saturday 20 April 2024 at the Wamboin Home Produce & Craft Market and Wheels of Wamboin event, Wamboin Community Hall, 112 Bingley Way, Wamboin.

All the plants are propagated at our Group's nursery in Wamboin, and are specially selected for their suitability to the harsh Southern Tablelands environment.

On sale will be native grasses, ground covers, and shrubs and trees of various sizes.

We will have a number of species on special, at very reasonable prices, including acacias, eucalypts, leptospermums and prostantheras.

The plant sale, market, and Wheels of Wamboin are open on Saturday from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm. We recommend that, if you wish to purchase some of these plants, you arrive early, as demand for them will be high.