Maratus - Documentary Screening

Maratus - Documentary Screening

GLENRAC & GYWMAC Landcare will host an information event.


30 Apr, 2018 from 06:30 PM to 08:30 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1000)


The Club Hotel, Rose Room, 150 Grey St GLEN INNES

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The evening will feature a screening of the short film festival documentary "Maratus". A story of an enthusiastic citzen scientist, Stuart Harris, who dicovered a previosuly undiscovered spider near Canberra.

Stuart will be our guest for the evening and will give a short presentation and answer your questions.

Free to attend. A light supper + tea & coffee will be supplied.

RSVP: 27th April 2018 to GLENRAC on 02 6732 3443 or 

This project is supported by New England North West Landcare Network Chairs Inc. and Northern Tablelands Local Land Services, through funding from the Australian Government's National Landcare Program.