Landcare Champions

Goulburn/Mulwaree Landcarers have teamed up with neighbouring Landcare and Bushcare networks of Wingecarribee and Upper Lachlan to share knowledge, support and encourage participation and recognise local champions.

Landcare Champions

Goulburn/Mulwaree Landcarers have teamed up with neighbouring Landcare and Bushcare networks of Wingecarribee and Upper Lachlan to share knowledge, support and encourage participation and recognise local champions.

Stronger Together -


The issue

There are hundreds of Landcare and Bushcare volunteers across our region who are working on local environmental issues in their area, dedicating many hours every week for years and even decades. Whilst the work is appreciated by the local communities, often our volunteers do not have the opportunity to step back and reflect on what they have achieved and to properly acknowledge those who have been champions in these efforts.

The solution

Three regions, Goulburn/Mulwaree, Wingecarribee and Upper Lachlan, have teamed up for a Landcare exchange and champion celebration. The first action involved 80 particpants from the 3 regions on a tour of some of the bushland, creek and wetland rehabilitation sites in the Wingecarribee Shire This offered a great opportunity for others  to see what the different groups are working and hear about their challenges and achievements and get advice on how to overcome some of these challenges. It was also an opportunity for the bushcare members to acknowledge their own achievements. Following the success of this tour a second tour was arranged to visit two sites in the Goulburn/Mulwaree region with over 100 attending from the 3 regions. This was topped off by a sit down lunch with the announcement of 13 Landcare Champions.



The impact

This exchange is helping to develop a stronger relationship between Landcare and Bushcare groups within the networks and within the sub-region. Having the opportunity to visit a site that has been worked on for many years and see what can be achieved over time is very inspiring for new groups and participants starting out. And hearing how groups have overcome adversities and challenges, and in some cases developed new and innovative approaches can be extremely useful information to other groups battling similar issues.  The Celebration of our local champions is also something that can inspire us all and when we recognise an individual or a group for their efforts we are all rewarded. Feedback from the participants of the activities of these events has been that we need to do this more often.The Landcare tour and champions events are aimed at developing a skilled and capable Landcare community in the South East Local Land Services region with funding through the National Landcare Programme.

Key facts

  • Sharing knowledge is important part of Landcare
  • Taking the time to acknowledge what has been achieved.
  • Recognising and thanking the champions in our community rewards us all.
  • Together we are stronger

Project Partners