Volunteer Week - Wombeyan Weed Whackers
Wombeyan Caves Landcare- Weed Whacking Weekends. Trish Kidd from Wombeyan Caves Landcare and Jules Bros from National Parks and Wildlife have been hosting teams of up to 40 volunteers for 2 day volunteer weeding whacking weekends for the past 7 years. The Weekends are run in partnership with Wombeyan Caves Landcare and National Parks and Wildlife funded by the Kanangra Boyd To Wyangala Link – K2W Glideways Bushconnect program. There are two weekends per year one each Autumn and Spring which involve the labour-intensive job of woody weed control around the valley slopes of Wombeyan Caves.
National Parks and Wildlife Ranger Jules Bros said the 'Wombeyan Weed Whacking Weekends' have clocked up over 4300 volunteer hours and hand treated over 20 hectares of woody weed invasion since they started in 2011.
"The weekends are a great way for volunteers of all ages to help restore our native bush but at the same time, socialise with like-minded people," she said.
On the weekends, volunteers are trained in the skills of bush regeneration using drills, saws, secateurs and weed killer. Professional bush regenerators and NPWS Officers, are always at hand to assist with control technique and plant identification.
"It's amazing what can be achieved with an enthusiastic group, working together as a team to remove these invasive woody weeds such as cotoneaster and firethorn.
"Hand weeding is the only possible way to control these shrubs that have taken hold up on the edges of the limestone valley. Underneath these exotics are often tiny native plants, some are threatened species, just waiting for the opportunity to take over the bush again," Jules said.
Volunteers are 'repaid' for their efforts with accommodation, meals and a cave tour on the weekend.
Regular volunteer Megan Rowlett from Intrepid Landcare has attended several of the weed whacking weekends.
“The weekends are so awesome! It is great to connect with other volunteers, learn from the bush regenerators, and about the important Wombeyan karst landscape.”
“It is also great to have no reception, switch off from technology and really connect to nature and explore such an amazing place.” said Megan Rowlatt of Intrepid Landcare.
The next weed whacking weekend will occur over the weekend of 2/3 June. The weekends have become very popular and book out very quickly.
If you are interested in participating in a Wombeyan Caves Landcare ‘weed whacking weekend’ please contact Trish Kidd tkidd@exemail.com.au