GSLN Wollondilly Weeds Project

This project integrates practices to conserve biodiversity and deliver low-impact sustainable grazing activities across multiple properties; by capacity building local communities to develop and implement a landscape-scale framework in the catchment.

Upcoming dates are planned for September 2018 onwards; keep updated via our Facebook page and monthly newsletter. 

What's happened so far:
Saturday 21st October 2017 – Farm seasonal walk & paddock plants with ID of poisonous plants.

  • Info sheets on each of 7 weeds.
  • Pasture ID of useful species, what they tell you about soils and management and problems with pastures this time of year.
  • ID of African Lovegrass, Serrated Tussock, Chilean Needlegrass, fireweed & GPG. ID of Green Cestrum, Fireweed, Crofton Weed, St John’s Wort.
  • Info sheets on each of the weeds.
  • Pasture ID of useful species, what they tell you about soils and management and problems with pastures this time of year.
  • ID of plants brought along

Saturday 25th November 2017 – Soil sampling & a presentation on weed phenology. 

  • Info sheets on soil testing
  • Understanding soil opportunities and limitations
  • Soil depth, texture, acidity and infiltration
  • Soil sampling for nutrient testing
  • Understanding the lifecycle of weeds and why they succeed
  • Seed production and longevity of weeds

Sunday 25th February 2018 – Interpreting soil tests and making fertilizer decisions.

  • Interpreting soil tests and making fertilizer decisions - concentrating on acidity and PKS
  • Information sheets on soil test interpretation
  • How soil structure, biology and changes with depth; pasture species; and stock enterprises modifies what to do
  • Modifying the environment to suit the pasture or modifying the pasture to suit the environment?
  • Fertilizer strips

Sunday 8th April 2018 – Integrated weed management workshop – risk management & weed controls. 
Integrated weed management involves using a variety of methods to; prevent weed entry and spread, to make your farm environment stronger and specifically target the destruction of weeds. Integrated weed management is not only more effective but can be more profitable.

The Field Day looked at: 

  • Characteristics of weeds which make an integrated management approach essential
  • Costs of weed control and how it changes with time since invasion
  • Different methods available for control
  • Examples of integrated weed management for specific weeds such as serrated tussock, lantana and fireweed
  • Where to find information on the management of different weeds.
  • ID flowering Serrated Tussock and Chilean Needle grass
  • What are the tools for weed management & why multiple management tools are needed
  • Farm walk and discussion of current opportunities and limitations in the paddock/s for weed management.

Sunday 3rd June 2018 – Bio-scapes

Workshop looked at how biodiversity can help at the farm level. And is there more than just the feel good factor? And, is there any money in it?

On the day we will look at examples of nature working for you, including how native bird life can control large amounts of insect pests on your property, how shade and shelter can improve stock production, how wet lands can protect water supply and how native plants can improve the resilience of the pastures through drought and disease outbreaks.  We will look at the advantages and how to monitor biodiversity. We will also touch on grants and stewardship payments that can help you maintain your biodiversity.