Combatting privet and other weeds
Combatting privet and other weeds
Gwymac and Nullamanna Landcare join forces to reduce the impact of weeds on the local environment
Community Participation -
The issue
Prolonged dry periods within the Inverell district has enabled a variety of weeds to take hold in the landscape. Gwymac landcare and the Nullamanna Landcare group wanted to reduce the threats posed by weeds to key habitats and biodiversity by developing a weed management project tackling weeds in their local area, especially targeting privet.
The solution
Issues around weed management have been discussed at numerous Nullamanna Landcare meetings and the members decided it was time to undertake a group project. Gwymac Landcare was successful in obtaining funding from the Department of the Environment and Energy to deliver positive environmental and social outcomes and increase community connection with the environment in the local area. Thirteen landholder members of the Nullamanna landcare group participated in the project, with materials, chemicals and tools provided by Gwymac. On-ground activities focused on removing privet and other weeds, including prickly pear, silverleaf nightshade and blackberry, to reduce threats to biodiversity in the area and improve the health of riparian and instream habitats. The on-ground works took place on farm as well as on community areas in Nullamanna.
As part of the project, a "Community v's Privet" day was held at the Nullamanna Hall to discuss invasive weeds and methods to eradicate them, especially privet. The project also included a community action day to remove privet in the riparian zone and travelling stock reserve along Frazers creek in Nullamanna and the day was well attended.
The impact
The project has stimulated the local community, equipping them with new knowledge, awareness and skills and improving their capacity to support strategic actions in the Inverell district. On-ground activities assisted with the containment of weeds on-farm and the removal of many privet trees from the Nullamanna Community. The Nullamanna Landcare Group plans to maintain and extend its on-ground activities to combat privet past the life of this project.
Key facts
- Group on-ground activities benefit the Environment
- Assistance with materials and tools makes combatting weeds easier
- Community workshops increase knowledge, skills and awareness