HRCC Landcare Support Hours
HRCC Landcare Support Hours
The Host organisation who is also the Local control authority (LCA) works with Local Landcare network (or HNLN) to support bush regeneration for grant work and sites.
Collaborations -
LP042 - 06
The issue
Often some of the bush regeneration required for sites is difficult or unsafe for volunteers. Unforeseen conditions and circumstances can cause sites to regress making it difficult for volunteers to stay on top of work and meet grant targets.
The solution
Hawkesbury River County Council (HRCC), the Local Control Authority, dedicates 200 hours of bush regeneration per year between their four LGAs to support Landcare sites in their region. With the assistance of the Local Landcare Coordinator from HNLN (who they also host), HRCC consults groups and identify sites that need a boost that year.
The impact
Landcare sites continued to progress despite pauses to work due to Covid-19 and natural disasters. The assistance also boosted the energy of groups, by providing assistance with primary control that would otherwise have needed funding and time. Groups were then able and ready to continue maintenance and less labor intensive tasks. HRCC’s hours also helped HNLN groups meet grant targets especially where in-kind labor was not possible due to ill-health of landholders and restricted deadline. Lastly, this assistance supported stronger community relationships between HRCC and the community.
There is an opportunity for Local Control Authorities and local Landcare networks to work together and support one another.
By working together LCAs and Landcare networks can prioritise assistance and through Landcare, LCA’s can begin to support community projects as well.
Key facts
- HRCC provides 200 hours of in-kind bush regeneration annually
- Through HNLN, 4 groups were identified and received assistance