Revitalising Wetlands Conservation

Hawkesbury Wetlands group revitalise discussions about wetlands and their management with the Future of the Wetlands in the Hawkesbury Forum

Revitalising Wetlands Conservation

Hawkesbury Wetlands group revitalise discussions about wetlands and their management with the Future of the Wetlands in the Hawkesbury Forum

Community Participation -

LP042 - 07

The issue

The Working Wetlands Group Strategy for the Hawkesbury Region, was developed in 2018 but has not been followed by stakeholders. Momentum for  wetland protection has been lost despite ongoing threats and damage to wetlands in the area. 

The solution

A forum was held for previous and new stakeholders and community groups. It revisited the 2018 strategy, highlighted which actions had been completed, discussed outstanding actions and any new actions that would be needed and attributed them to specific organisations.

Hawkesbury-Nepean Landcare Network (HNLN) formally presented their recent landmark report Wetlands of the Hawkesbury Report which includes assessments of 35 wetlands (view online). Hawkesbury Environment Network (HEN) and Blundell’s Swamp Wildlife Refuge spoke about their efforts to conserve wetlands, the latter highlighting the beauty of wetlands through incredible drone footage and photography. Manali Kherodiya from Western Sydney University also presented her Masters research on the historical significance of wetlands.

Environmental staff and community members then split into two break-out rooms to have separate discussions about actions they can commit to and the rights and responsibilities of landholders when living on wetlands.

The impact

  • It became clear than many are still passionate about the management of wetlands.
  • 35 people attended included five councillors, representatives from twelve organisations and community groups.
  • Both Environmental staff and community members highlighted the same concerns and necessary actions
  • Six key future actions were agreed upon.


The event was well organised and well attended.

Providing a copy of the report to participants and organisations was valuable.

More time was needed for the break-out sessions and sum up.

In the future, a facilitated discussion session would be useful.

This one was held on a weekend so that staff and councillors could attend, which they did. A weekend event for community groups would be useful.

Key facts

  • Healthy wetlands are an incredibly important yet undervalued feature in the Hawkesbury Catchment.
  • Onus now falls to under-resourced community groups to prove why wetlands (and the environment) should be protected rather than developers having to carry out environmental assessments.
  • Digital library needed for landholders, consultants and researchers about local wetlands.
  • Commitment and action is needed from community groups and organisations who can provide support with resources, mapping and research.