Bitou busting on the sand dunes Hawks Nest
Busy working on the dunes Winda Woppa

Bitou busting on the sand dunes Hawks Nest

Bitou busting Hawks Nest

A beautiful, if a tad warm for weeding on Saturday morning.

Seventeen keen Bitou Buster volunteers worked hard on the beach at the western end of The Boulevarde at Winda Woppa. Hawks Nest


The flat section of beach has plenty of healthy wattle stabilising the sand but mixed amongst it is healthy Bitou bush!


The shortened working session was due to the heat but that didn’t stop achieving great results. 

The Bitou was cut just above sand level and poison was applied direct to the stem so the roots will die in the ground and continue to hold the soil and sand. 


Not a bad area to work in but all agreed swimming gear should have been worn for a refreshing dip after work as the sea looked very inviting.

Next working-bee is on 27th April

Thank you everyone for making such a difference - plenty more to do though…..