Myall Coast Naturally Beautiful
The next BB working-bee is on the 24th October, the final one for the year and it will be followed in the afternoon by an early BBQ dinner.
As the temperature rises so we wind down our working bees for the year.
The September morning Bitou Busters session was wonderfully successful and thank you to all those who were able to come.
Jill Madden Co ordinator said she was very disappointed not to be there.
Bags and bags of asparagus were pulled and collected. It was a very satisfying and successful morning.
The BBs have been asked to bring along their weed ID book as they will be discussing different weeds and identifying them before each BB session.
The next BB working-bee is on the 24th October, the final one for the year and it will be followed in the afternoon by an early BBQ dinner.
Details will follow so before then mark the date in your diaries.
The BBs have decided on a slogan for their new fluro vests, supplied by Great Lakes Council.
By popular demand it is…........ Myall Coast
Naturally Beautiful