Stopped Raining for Bushcare Major Day Out!
A sunny Sunday morning, great for Father’s Day and Threatened Species Day and perfect for the Bushcare Major Day Out
At last we were able to get into the bitou, asparagus, polygala and lantana between the road and the mangroves at Winda Woppa.
Eleven Bitou Busters were able to make the event including our third Anne, welcome and hope to see you again soon.
We made huge inroads into the weeds, and the end is in site for this area with only 2 mornings of Bitou Busting left in 2014.
This area will need follow up for a couple of years but that should be somewhat less physical than the old growth we were dealing with yesterday.
Coffee in the sun at Benchmark was a fitting reward and I encourage everyone to walk though the area at Winda Woppa and see the results of our efforts. Its quite beautiful especially in the mornings so catching the birds enjoying it also.