Youth group to join local landcare volunteers

Youth group to join local landcare volunteers

125 native plants planted in Hawks Nest, NSW

Hunter Intrepid Landcare, a new group that connects young people with a passion for land care and adventure, will be joining the next Hawks Nest & Tea Gardens Bitou Busters working bee on Saturday 20 May.


The group have also invited Bitou Buster volunteers to join them in a Worimi cultural experience with Uncle Paul Callaghan after the working bee.


In their latest working session on Saturday 22 April, Bitou Buster volunteers planted 125 native plants given by The NSW Environment Trust Grant between the sand dunes and the Hawks Nest caravan park fence.


The weeds in this area were plentiful consisting of bitou bush, asparagus, mother-of-millions and deadly nightshade. All this plus several loads of rubbish were bagged up and disposed of into the red rubbish bins.


The NSW Environment Trust Grant supports the Hawks Nest and Tea Gardens Bitou Busters in their work to regenerate the native bush and raise awareness of the environment in the community.
