Let's get more young people to the National Landcare Conference
Intrepid Landcare has joined forces with Landcare Australia and launched a crowdfunding campaign to get more young people this year to the National Landcare Conference.
We've joined forces with Landcare Australia and launched a crowdfunding campaign to get more young people this year to the National Landcare Conference.
We are really excited about this campaign, as it is a great opportunity to bring more young people to the conference. Our hope is that we raise enough money to support one young person from every state and territory in Australia to attend the conference, and empower them to share what they take away from the experience with a broader audience.
An Intrepid Landcare Australia Scholarship will cover the costs of attending the conference, and all travel and accommodation. We all know the costs of attending these things can really add up, and know that it is a huge barrier for young people to attend.
Each recipient of the scholarship will be required to capture key take home messages and give feedback to their state, regional and local Landcare networks about the future of Landcare from the perspective of a young person.
This will help build our network and connections to young people in Landcare, and help connect young people to their relevant state, regional and local Landcare networks.
We understand many networks have access to funding through the NRM bodies. But we also recognise that this is often used to reward long-term landcarers carrying out great things. Which is why we thought a crowdfunding campaign might be a nice way to pool donations from across the country to support young people who are up and coming in the movement, who may only be new and not necessarily fit the criteria needed to access sponsorship from existing sources.
Intrepid Landcare will support all young participants attending under a scholarship and will help facilitate discussions, will provide a guide book to help collect thoughts, and will collect and collate all of this information which will then be shared at a national level, available to all Landcare networks. We envisage this being of value to those particularly working in youth engagement. We anticipate that this level of feedback will be useful to inform youth engagement strategies as well as offer a fresh perspective on the Landcare movement.
But we need your help...
We need the support of our Landcare Community groups and our networks to help us not only promote this campaign through your networks, but possibly donate and help us support more young people around the country.
Here is a link to the campaign: https://chuffed.org/project/sponsor-a-future-landcarer
If you would like to support us in our mission please:
- Share on social media
- Share in any newsletters you might run
- Share with your broader network
- Donate if you can :)
Kindest regards,
Megan Rowlatt Naomi Edwards
0412 532 817 0423 846 494
Co-founders Intrepid Landcare
#landcare #intrepidlandcare