Yass Gorge Christmas Working Bee, Sun 19 Nov Ryl Parker
We saw many new faces at the working bee. The earlier rain made weeding and planting an absolute delight. We planted hardenbergias, acacias, cassinias and lomandras near the wetland, close to Flat Rock Crossing.
Others tackled the woody weeds along each side of the river, either by hand, cut-and-daub, mattocks, or whipper snippers. Seeing everyone working in their own little spaces and using their preferred methods was very satisfying.
Our next working bee is scheduled for Clean Up Australia Day, on Sunday 4 March 2018. So if you see us, feel free to stop by and ask us what we're up to - there's always something exciting going on!
Sometimes, the most enjoyable thing is to work in a small group with friends. So if you and some friends feel like a casual working bee on a day that suits you, feel free to contact me and I'll happily contribute plants, tools, food, and whatever else is suitable.
Thanks so much Kim Pullen for providing an excellent insect walk at the Yass Gorge this morning. I came face to face with an assassin beetle, a millipede all the way from Peru, and a cute little bug with a passion for bubbles, just to name a few. Kim also identified a native soil weevil (which helps manage grasses and shrubs by chewing on their roots), a caterpillar, and a leaf beetle. I also got a photo of an egg case for a preying mantis. It was quite high up in the tree.