
Bring a Neighbour Peelwood Limerick Tuena Christmas Gathering Never meet your neighbours? Now is your opportunity! Pass this invitation onto your neighbours, new and old to the district. Find out about funding opportunities, equipment available for hire for weed spraying and feral animal control, community nursery and community days coming up in 2015. Saturday 29th November 2014 6pm Peelwood RFS Fire shed Free BBQ & salads. Good conversation and music available all evening. Prize for bringing the most neighbours who have not been to the Peelwood Fire Shed. BYO Nibbles and Drinks RSVP 23rd November for catering purposes Narelle Bulmer (02) 4834 6047 Bruce Fitzell (02) 4834 6051

Peelwood/Limerick/Tuena Landcare Group are hosting a free Successional Planning evening on 6 February 2015 at Tuena Hall from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. The guest speaker, Mr Richard Moffitt from Next Rural has expertise in topics such as Estate Planning, Wealth Creation and Retention, Business Strategic Planning, Business and personal structure and much more. A light supper will be served so please RSVP to Judy Isaac on (02) 4834 6016 or Narelle Bulmer on (02) 4834 6047 or
