
The Lithgow Oberon Landcare Association (LOLA) assists with the co-ordination and ongoing development of Landcare and natural resource management strategies and activities including revegetation works, bushland regeneration, and sustainable agriculture farming across the Lithgow and Oberon Local Government Areas.

We have some incredible workshops and special events that are coming up in our area being hosted by Lithgow - Oberon Landcare, Local Land Services and Lithgow City Council. There really is something to interest pretty much everyone and most of the events are free!

Background: Willow Removal Project at the Vale of Clwydd This project was aimed at reducing woody weed infestations along at least 7Km of Vale of Clwydd Creek. The project has been a collaboration between local Landcare groups, Local Land Services and the Lithgow City Council with the key objective of achieving real environmental outcomes to protect and enhance biodiversity. Vale of Clwydd Creek is a suburban creek running through the township of Vale of Clwydd, part of the urban area of Lithgow. The creek flows into Lake Pillans Wetlands and then into Farmers Creek. Farmers Creek is a significant stream, running through the urban area of Lithgow, and into the Cox’s River, which flows, into Lake Burragorang (within the Sydney Drinking Water Catchment). Weeds are one of the biggest threats to biodiversity. This project has focussed on the prevention and spread of Willows, a Weed of National Significance (WONS), and other noxious weeds into the surrounding Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, and further into the catchment. It will also help to combat the increased erosion and flow modification that can be associated with Willow encroachment along waterways. Fallen Willow debris, and the dense mat of their roots can sometimes trap silt, build up the level of the stream bed and divert water flow into the banks, thereby increasing erosion and destroying habitat for aquatic species. Now many of the Willows have been removed and we are running community planting days to replace exotics with native species. For more information please contact: Email: Tel: 0419 795 781

Volunteers and participants welcome to come along to our Swamped by Threats activities.
