Project Launch Wed 8th October 2014
Maclean Forest Linkages High Conservation Corridors Restoration Project Launch October 8th 2014
Maclean Forest Linkages High Conservation Corridors Restoration
UPDATE: Thursday 9th October
A successful launch!
On Wednesday 8th October about 25 people gathered on the side of the Maclean Hill in Wharf Street to help Maclean Landcare Group Inc. launch a new 3 year project to restore native vegetation on private land which is zoned E2 and E3 for Environmental Conservation and Management. This project is being funded with a NSW government Environmental Trust Fund grant of $99970. The project is a collaboration between Maclean Landcare Group, local landholders, Clarence Valley Council the Yaegl aboriginal community and EnviTE Environment.
The project will tackle weed problems on a total of 13ha across 3 properties immediately next to the Lookout Reserve and one on the south of the hill owned by the Yaegl LALC. These bush regeneration works aim to kick start the restoration of native vegetation on these properties and to educate the owners about weed control. Increasing amounts of weeds such as the ubiquitous Lantana, Ochna (also known as Mickey Mouse Plant for its yellow petals which drop to leave red sepals and shiny black fruit attractive to birds) and Dutchman’s Pipe (vine with attractive flower poisonous to native birdwing butterflies). threaten to permanently damage the health of the local native vegetation. The amount of work required to repair the native ecosystems is beyond the capability of individual landholders.
This project will remove major infestations of weeds allowing the regeneration of native plants in their place. Ongoing follow up weed control after the initial works will be essential for many years into the future. The project also includes workshops to inform Maclean residents about weeds and bush regeneration techniques and the aboriginal significance of the area.
This project enhances the continuing work in the Lookout Reserve by volunteers and Clarence Valley Council bush regeneration team.