Wicking Beds for Wingham Brush Primary School

A hands on session constructing much needed gardening space for local kids.

Collaborations - LPO - 018

The issue

Teachers have identified that many children lack the opportunity to garden or spend time in nature. 

The Permie Kids project is designed to engage children with living systems, investigate and engage in local food production.

The solution

Manning Landcare provided funding to support the program. The school pupils designed and built traditional garden beds.  To showcase alternative methods of growing the children researched wicking beds.  Hardwood timber was chosen as the material for the surrounds and was supplied by our local sawmill.  Wingham Neighbourhood Services provided morning tea.

The construction of the beds was advertised to the wider community as a hands on session.

The impact

On the first Saturday in June participants met at the school.  We had a short presentation on wicking beds and then headed out to the playground to begin construction.

Four beds were lined, plumbed and filled with graded crusher gravel.

Pupils at the school will now fill the beds with soil and begin planting vegetable seedlings.

Author: Lyn Booth

Key facts

  • Engaging local community organisations & businesses in school/landcare partnerships pays dividends.
  • Increasing the awareness of local food systems
  • Encouraging children to engage in gardening.

Project Partners