Saving the Small Purple Pea

Educating the community about our environment and ways to help protect endangered species, such as Swainsona Recta - Small Purple Pea

Making a Difference - LLCI006-005

The issue

The Small Purple Pea - Swainsona recta is an endangered species which is presumed extinct in Victoria, and suffering from consistent losses. It has low recruitment and replanting is not easily accomplished successfully.

The solution

The project had three distinct activities in the community. These were: 9th February 2019, Dunedoo Showground. Stall held from 9am till 3pm, ‘Seeds, Stories and Sustainability’ workshop held Thursday 7th March at Jubilee Hall, Dunedoo from 9am till 2pm, Stall at Made ‘n Grown Markets: providing information on the Small Purple Pea, held Saturday 13th April, Milling Park, Dunedoo from 9am till 12pm.

The aim of these activities was to engage the community in learning about the environment on topics such as seed saving, endangered species, plant propagation, growing food, plastic reduction and pollinators. The three venues were seen to cover a wide and diverse audience and activities and displays were designed to attract attention and interest and be interactive. All events were strongly supported by Landcare volunteers.

This project was funded by NLP2. Additional resources to support activities were provided by the Dunedoo Grow Well, Live Well project funded by NSW Government Family and Community Services, and Made n Grown Produce and Artisan Markets.

The impact

175 people engaged in the activities. 74 people were provided with information directly about the Small Purple Pea. Information provided will enable identification of the Pea, how to conserve the Pea and who to contact for support in conservation. At least three landholders have reported they are looking for the Pea on their properties.

Participants also engaged with and learnt about other endangered species, seed collection and other topics as described above. A focus on engaging youth was successful with children from the ages of four engaging in activities. High School students actively participated in the Seeds Stories and Sustainability Day.


Participants learnt a wide variety of skills and gained knowledge in the following areas: Identification and conservation of Swainsona Recta, Seed saving, Growing Food, Waste and plastic reduction, Plant Propagation, importance and recognition of pollinators, endangered species.  

Author: Jenny Jones

Key facts

  • Raising awareness of the need to identify and protect Swainsona recta, which is an endangered species.
  • Participants gained a wide variety of skills and knowledge, including identification of the Small Purple Pea, seed saving, growing food, waste and plastic reduction, plant propagation, importance and recognition of pollinators and endangered species.

Project Partners