The current focus of the group is to encourage the regeneration and revegetation of native species in bush land areas of the reserve. This is in order to create habitat for local fauna and to improve amenity for local residents and visitors.


Work began by the Mobbs Lane Bushcare Group at Epping around 2005/6. The main priority at this time was the removal of bamboo, with a focus on widening bushland corridors along all creek lines.
The car park gate was installed in 2006 and the play equipment upgraded with shade sails in 2007. In 2007/8 a walking track was created as a “Kevin 07” initiative. This track follows the bush along Terry’s Creek to Eastwood.
The current group works toward the progressive removal of Privet and Lantana. They also focus on the revegetation of the site using species local to the area. From 2009 to 2011 the ‘Island for Habitat’ was enlarged through hand weeding and supplementary planting of native species .
In 2010, the south-western quarter of the site (‘Andrew’s Corner’) was cleared of exotic species and revegetated with native species.’Andrew’s Corner’ is located in an area immediately adjacent to the Meriton construction site.
In 2011 a triangular buffer strip toward the creek line (‘Mikes Salient’) was cleared and planted. During this time, another 1,500 native grasses were planted along the property boundary immediately adjacent to the Meriton site.
The most exciting part about being involved of this group is witnessing the original dreams, which seemed so impossible at the start, being finally realised with the help of Council and a bunch of dedicated locals.

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