Dune and headland restoration of Cunjurong Pt, Inyadda Bch, Red Hd, Boat Ramp Bch & Washerwomens Beach
Aim: To enhance the environmental quality of Cunjarong Point through the maintenance and rehabilitation of natural areas.
Reduce weed infestations and maintain bushland areas through weed removal and natural regeneration of native species
o Priority weeds: Cassia, Bitou Bush, Moth Vine, Lantana, Mother of Millions, Cestrum, Mile a Minute, Dolichos Pea, Turkey Rhubarb.
o Secondary weeds: Asparagus Fern, Passionfruit Vine, Sea Spurge, Cape Daisy, Honey Suckle, Mirror Bush, Bridal Creeper
Maintain past works through regular monitoring, eliminating the threat of reinfestation
Maintain funding avenues through the application of grant funding
Increase and maintain volunteer numbers within the group
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