Blake Botanic Reserve Refurbishment

Deniliquin High School students refurbish and construct seating areas for all to enjoy

Community Participation - LP020-009

The issue

Blake Botanic Reserve is part of the natural lagoon system that runs through the the township of Deniliquin. The Reserve was established in the 1980s by the Southern Riverina Field Naturalists Club to showcase different landscape communities found in the Southern Riverina. Current community members approached the Deniliquin Lagoons Landcare Group to assist in restoring and enhancing the Reserve. 

One of the projects identified was the restoration of the existing seating throughout the Reserve. This was expanded to include new seating and a learning area and a table with bench seating. The aim of the project was to provide a place for people to meet, learn and enjoy the Reserve. With the idea in place DKLLG submitted a funding application for the cost of the materials to Murray Irrigation and were successful.

The solution

Deniliquin High School along with volunteers from DKLLG run an Environmental Program with selected Year 10 students. As part of the program every year the students are responsible for an infrastructure project at one of the lagoons. The students plan the project, the design of the infrastructure and the construction and installation. The students decided to not only restore the existing seating but install new single bench seats at the edge of the lagoon along with an outdoor classroom area and a picnic table. 

The new table and seating were constructed by the students from steel and Red Gum timber. Part of the project also included graveling of the paths to the existing and new seating areas. All students worked to a very high standard on the project and were rewarded with the satisfaction of a job well done. 

An opening was held at the completion of the project to celebrate the new areas. Many community groups came along including local residents, the local primary school and representatives from Murray Irrigation and Edward River Council. 

The impact

The new learning area, seating and picnic table has provide the amenities that the community and visitors need in order to learn more about the natural environment in the region and enjoy the reserve for all its natural beauty. The project has also given the students a sense of achievement and ownership over the care of the Reserve. 

This project is the start of bigger plan to restore the plant communities and provide information signage about the flora and fauna that that can be found. 

Author: Janet Manzin

Key facts

  • Year 10 Deniliquin High School students learnt not only about the flora and fauna in the reserve but also practical skills in how to manage a project.
  • This project is the start of the overall revitalisation plan for Blake Botanic Reserve.

Project Partners