Supporting Groups to Achieve Their Goals

Reaching Out - LLCI019-003

The issue

The Ricegrowers' Association Environmental Champions Program (RGA ECP) has retained ongoing contacts with individuals and assisted in the creation of a range of groups across the region.

In addition through the delivery of a range of initiatives under the Collaboration Agreement between RGA ECP and Murray Local Land Services there is strong community respect for our organisations ability to deliver relevant projects to individuals and group members.

However with the recent shortfalls in funding, maintaining regional group support would not be possible unless new financial and labour resources are secured. 

The solution

The RGA ECP identified groups in the region that would appreciate support and provided this list when applying for a project for the Local Landcare Coordinator Initiative.

Erika Heffer, Local Landcare Coordinator/Community Support Officer developed a series of questions to ask groups with offering support, the findings were then emailed to the group for review and used to form a support plan for the future.

These meetings have been positive with the focus on understanding the groups background and priorities.

Collaboration between community groups and government organisations combined with the skills and the labour hours of a Local Landcare Coordinator/Community Support Officer has enabled a significant increase in the level of support for existing and new Landcare-Producer groups in our region.

The impact

The RGA ECP with the Coordinator have met with the Denimein Producer Group, Southern Growers' Inc., Central Murray Ag Group Inc., the Yanco Creek and Tributaries Advisory Council Inc., North Conargo Landholders' and West Berriquin Irrigators and developed ongoing relationships with the groups.

These partnerships are increasing the community's resilience and capacity to achieve the groups' diverse priorities.


There is a willingness of the groups to collaborate and cooperate in the delivery of projects and activities to benefit the entire community.

Author: Kelly Walsh

Key facts

  • Connected with six groups in the Murray Valley
  • Assisted Central Murray Ag Group to improve to groups administration, including communications
  • Assisted Southern Growers' Inc. to promote and deliver events

Project Partners