AGM and Talk on Air Pollution
Prof Peter Nelson will discuss the effects of atmospheric contaminants and current understanding of the sources, transport and fate of atmospheric contaminants such as fine particles and mercury by reference to national and global studies.
- AGM and Talk on Air Pollution
- 2016-10-11T20:00:00+10:05
- 2016-10-11T22:00:00+10:05
- Prof Peter Nelson will discuss the effects of atmospheric contaminants and current understanding of the sources, transport and fate of atmospheric contaminants such as fine particles and mercury by reference to national and global studies.
11 Oct, 2016 from 08:00 PM to 10:00 PM (Australia/Sydney / UTC1008)
Poor air quality is responsible for more deaths globally than exposure to unsafe water. In the 2016 Environmental Performance Index prepared by Yale University in partnership with the World Economic Forum poor air quality was responsible for 10% of global deaths (≈5.52 million). This is a particular issue for developing economies since, as countries develop, increased industrial production, urbanisation and motor vehicle use expose populations to atmospheric contaminants which may present a risk to human health. However air pollution is not confined to any one country or group of countries – it is a global issue.
Prof Peter Nelson
Peter Nelson was appointed Professor of Environmental Studies, Macquarie University in 2001, Associate Dean Research in the Faculty of Science (2008–13), Acting Executive Dean (2014–15) and is currently Pro Vice Chancellor (Research Performance and Innovation). He was previously Senior Principal Research Scientist in CSIRO Energy Technology, where he managed projects on energy and the environment, air pollutant measurement, mechanism of formation and control. Prof Nelson has had more than 40 years experience in research on the assessment and control of air pollution and on environmental issues associated with energy use, and has worked closely with industry, government and community groups in addressing these issues.
Prof Nelson has been the Foundation President of the Australian Council of Environmental Deans and Directors, Chair of the Australian Section of the Combustion Institute, and was recently appointed to the United Nations Environment Program Global Mercury Assessment and to the Expert Group advising on the development of the implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury.