People are Power

Growing the Next Generation of Community Leaders

People are Power

Growing the Next Generation of Community Leaders

Building our Future -


The issue

Building capacity and networks to enable change often takes time and specialised skills. Who takes the reins when the current generation are ready to hand-over and what qualities will the leaders of tomorrow need to meet the challenges of an uncertain future?

The solution

Steph Cameron from Tamworth Regional Landcare Association (TRLA) decided that building capacity and resilience amongst future leaders was important for the North West. “I felt there was a real need to develop our future leaders’ potential, to enable them to have the confidence to pursue the causes they are passionate about”. With funding from North West Local Landcare Services, the National Landcare Program and TRLA, Steph’s idea came to life with the experts from Global Learning. The tailored program was designed to build personal and organisational capability, focusing on leadership, teamwork, sustainable change and vision and strategy. Based on neuroscience and behavioural psychology research, the program shows that self-awareness underpins successful leadership.

A small group of passionate individuals worked through a real-life project, spending time in several residential workshops over three months in a personal hands-on learning experience that supported participants to make productive change happen.

The impact

“Life-changing”. “Amazing”. “Awesome”. “Invaluable”.

The feedback from the program was overwhelmingly positive. Kate Spry - a teacher, grazier and volunteer with Gowrie Landcare Group felt the program was lifechanging: “I have learnt that people are power. The North West Leaders Program was one of the most beneficial and life-changing experiences I have had”. The North West Leaders Program was special – not only were Global Learning working with a small group of people, the diversity in the group was amazing - future leaders from all parts of the community participated including farmers, government employees, non-government employees, teachers and landcare volunteers. Whilst the content and learnings during the program was an important component, one of the most exciting outcomes for participants was a ready-made network of people they can collaborate with on future projects and campaigns. Participant David McKinnon commented: ‘Historically there have been challenges in getting people together for campaigns. However, I now have an instant network of amazing people to work with’.

Participants are now working together to coach and support each other with their own leadership projects in the landscape and in the community. The program was so successful that funding has been secured to run another North West Leaders Program in 2018/2019.

Key facts

  • North West Leadership program delivered to eight participants over three months
  • Participants working together on leadership projects in the community
  • Professional program run by leading experts improving the skills of future leaders

Project Partners