Tumbi Wetlands Bushcare works to show the diversity in a small 10-12 hectare site, surrounded by suburban development.
Tumbi Wetlands Bushcare works to show the diversity in a small 10-12 hectare site, surrounded by suburban development. It has no real natural corridors to adjoining reserves. It is an ephemeral wetland where quite a large range of projects have been conducted over the past 10 years. Most of these are documented to some degree on our website at www.tumbiwetlands.com.au.
A total of nearly 200 native plants have been identified over that time.
20 nestboxes have been installed in the last couple years, some of which have been occupied by both Ringtals and Brushtails.
We also sighted in 2012 for the first time in NSW since 2000 an endangered orchid Arthrochilus prolixus, which unfortunately has not yet reappeared.
Prior to this and with the help of a CMA Education Grant, we studied some 15 of the plants and learned from Gavi Duncan, a traditional Aboriginal person how they might have been used by his Darkinjung ancestors. The results of this research are posted on our website at www.tumbiwetlands.com.au/AboriginalPlantUse.html.
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