Corridor connectivity through collaboration and co-investment
Corridor connectivity through collaboration and co-investment
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The issue
The Tweed Valley is a biodiversity hotspot with multiple threatened species and endangered ecological communities. This is seriously threatened by declining habitat connectivity due to landscape fragmentation and invasive species (weeds and pest animals). Over several years Tweed Landcare Inc (TLI) has been collaborating with North Coast Local Land Services (NCLLS) and Tweed Shire Council (TSC) to deliver several projects to improve corridor connectivity and reduce the impacts of invasive species. With the ebbs and flows of funding there was concern that some of the projects may not continue and that the momentum the partnership had generated could be lost.
The solution
In 2011, TLI decided to apply for NSW Environmental Trust community grants. This opened up a funding stream that our government partners can not access. Since then TLI has submitted five application for corridor projects that dovetail with the ongoing NCLLS and TSC projects.
Our project partners provided technical input as well as in-kind and co-contributions. As a result TLI has submitted competitive applications that demonstrate strong partnerships, leverage partner contributions and deliver priorities from regional and state plans. To date TLI has secured four NSW Environmental Trust grants totaling $549,250, a fifth application is currently being assessed. This has been leveraged with $110,00 in co-contributions and over $5,000 in-kind contributions from our project partners. All four projects currently being delivered by TLI with support from NCLLS & TSC.
The long term vision includes:
- effective vegetation corridors linking the Tweed coastal National Parks estate through to the Border Ranges and escarpment National Parks estate. The linkages will provide habitat and movement corridors for a range of flora and fauna including threatened species also helping with climate associated movements.
- landholders and the broader community engaged and enabled to manage their valley.
The impact
- Real partnerships have real benefits especially in regards to sharing knowledge and providing support.
- Landholders have improved their skills in managing native vegetation and invasive species.
- The LLCI has provided additional resources to improve project management systems and fulfill the role of TLI.
Key facts
- Corridor connectivity
- Negotiated 20 landholder agreements
- 70 hectares of restoration
- 100 trees planted
- 8 events with 551 participants