Engaging the Intrepid Way
Intrepid Landcare shares their tips and tricks for community engagement
Our local Landcare community was looking for ways to draw in a broader selection of the community. For Landcare to remain relevant and resilient to our local community we needed to ask why we don't attract more members, particularly younger members.It was time we got some help!
In come Intrepid Landcare with their youth, enthusiasm and enormous success at striking just the right cord with young people. Megan Rowlatt, co-founder of Intrepid Landcare has co-developed The Intrepid Way Workshop. Through a timely funding opportunity with South East Landcare, Upper Lachlan Landcare were fortunate enough to be in a position to host this workshop.
Delivered by Megan and Peter Pigott, The Intrepid Way workshop certainly delivered some very practical tips and tricks to develop projects from the idea stage to the action stage. Along the way we were invited to re-think our usual approach. Really consider our audience and develop a project that would appeal to a younger audience. Something short and punchy, advertised on social media, promoted using evocative images and lively words.
A couple of unexpected outcomes from the day were the immediate connections that were made. Community groups, operating in a similar space, but rarely coming together. Workshop participants could see great opportunities in partnering with other like minded organisations to deliver enriching projects to a broader section of the community.
The other relatively new notion that passed across our thoughts was young is such a relative term. Depending on your community demographics, maybe seeking broad scale take up by twenty-somethings isn't truly reflective of our community. Our audience, and a far greater proportion of our community, maybe 30 or 40 or even 50 somethings, with young families. We can use the same techniques developed and perfected by Intrepid Landcare to reach a slightly older, and yet still dynamic, passionate and energetic slice of our community.