Araluen Creek Restoration Project
UDCLG’s application to the Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund was successful and the group has received $290 000 to implement sediment control strategies in the Araluen Creek below the Neringla Bridge. In light of the UDCLGs grant success I am happy to announce that I have been engaged by the group to facilitate communications, provide support and engagement with the local community, landowners and stakeholders for the 12 month duration of the project. Commencing July 2021.
The lengthy drought, extreme bushfires and seven major flooding events in 16 months have created such high levels of damage that only major efforts can be employed to stabilise the Araluen Creek and its tributaries.
Our partners; Local Land Services, Soil Conservation Service and Upper Shoalhaven Landcare Council have assessed the damage and identified at least 20 sites requiring immediate attention in order to prevent further catastrophic outcomes for the Araluen Valley and those downstream who depend on good water quality. Improvements in stream stability will improve water quality, biodiversity and agricultural resilience.
Identified sites include stream bed erosion and bank collapse, sediment movement, stream deviations, weed infestation and instability created by the burnt landscape. Continuous and extreme weather events mean that remedial action is of a matter of urgency otherwise future weather extremities will continue to adversely impact the water catchment, its tributaries and the riparian zones of the Araluen Creek and Upper Deua catchment.
The UDCLG is seeking Expression of Interest from landowners along the Araluen Creek and its main tributaries keen to participate and be part of this vital project. The positive benefits to both the landowner and the health of the creek are extensive and has been proven by past project outcomes with increased water levels. In stream log sills and stabilisation works have remediated many sites along the creek. Log sill installations in situ for many years are still performing well and serving their purpose.
The UDCLG invite you to attend a Community Information Session on SUNDAY 18TH JULY at the Araluen Hall. BBQ Lunch provided from 12:30pm followed by project presentation from 1:30pm. Venue will be subject to covid conditions. In conjunction with the project a series of engaging workshops will be run throughout the year. Workshops will be presented by the Upper Shoalhaven Landcare Council and include topics of relevance to the project and the valley.
First workshop: Geology of the Araluen Valley 10am - 2pm SATURDAY 21ST AUGUST
Second Workshop: Erosion Control SUNDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER
Further information will be released soon so watch this space.
I look forward to working with you and aim to take this project through to achieve positive and successful outcomes. I urge you to come along to the information session and be part of the project. For further information please contact Cath Harrison, Project Liaison E:cathharri@gmail.com
UDCLG Membership: $2 per year or 3 years for $5. To join the group or check membership status please see our Treasurer Robyn Clubb.
This is a Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund project through the joint Commonwealth/State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangement