Water Ponding and Spreading with Ray Thompson

Rangeland Rehabilitation on farm talk and tour

Water Ponding and Spreading with Ray Thompson

Rangeland Rehabilitation on farm talk and tour

Capacity to Deliver -


The issue

A group of graziers from through out the Walgett Shire were interested in meeting with Ray Thompson from Rangeland Rehabilitation and learning about water ponding and spreading. Ray has been working on and developing his techniques for over 30 years. Water ponding and spreading increases the soils ability to utilize rainfall, even small amounts for pasture growth. Ray can be seen in the picture with Dave Green presenting the Albert Morris award for OUTSTANDING ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION. 

The solution

A one day work shop was held at 'Clyde' and 'Far West' The Marra, NSW. At these properties there are water ponds that are over 25yrs old as well as ones less than 12months. Ray presented in the morning the technical information of how and where to implement water ponding and spreading. Participants were able to ask questions about how to best survey their property prior to earth works. Ray also provided information on how to seed the earthworks with natives such as salt bush to accelerate plant growth and soil repair. The afternoon was a tour of ponds of various ages. Participants were able to see examples of how different techniques aided soil improvement.
Did you know ponds are only designed to last ~30yrs, after this time the soil classification will have changed and the bank sunk to almost ground level. 

The impact

A group of very motivated graziers from NW Walgett Shire were able to gain and renew their knowledge of water ponding and spreading. Implementing these works on their properties will improve soil structure and subsequently pasture production and farm productivity.  They were also able to meet and speak with Local Land Services representatives to help form a group to tackle a grant proposal to create a catchment wide water ponding and spreading plan. 


Small group but very dedicated. 

Key facts

  • The Marra, NSW
  • Waterponding and spreading examples; aged 12 months to 25 years
  • New Catchment group formed

Project Partners