Field day to explore Box Gum Grassy Woodlands

Published 21 August 2015. Once covering vast tracts of south eastern Australia, Box Gum Grassy Woodlands are now rare, with less than 0.5% of the woodlands remaining in their original condition...

Once covering vast tracts of south eastern Australia, Box Gum Grassy Woodlands are now rare, with less than 0.5% of the woodlands remaining in their original condition.

The majority of the Box Gum Grassy Woodlands which once existed have been cleared for agriculture. Intact examples of this ecosystem are rare but parcels have been preserved in rural cemeteries, travelling stock routes and other road side reserves.

Adam's Lead Reserve, located south west of Gulgong, is small but important example of these Endangered Ecological Communities (EECs). The reserve covers an area of 5 hectares and contains mature remnants of Grassy Box Woodland as well as a multitude of wildflowers and wildlife.

A Field Day will be held at Adam's Lead Reserve to provide an introduction to the ecology, latest science and best-practice management of Box Gum Grassy Woodlands.

The field day hosted by the Office of Environment and Heritage, Mid-Western Regional Council, CSIRO and the Friends of Adam's Lead will be held on Tuesday 8 September.

Come along and find out how to identify these EECs, the wildlife that relies on them and meet the local enthusiasts who are busy restoring and learning about this important, local remnant.

Adam's Lead Reserve is located on Mayne Street (Goolma Road) 600 m south west of the Mayne Street Castlereagh Highway round-about, Gulgong.

The field day will commence with morning tea at 9:30am, for a 10am start and conclude with a BBQ lunch at 1pm.

The field day is free to attend but please RSVP for catering purposes to Andy McQuie, or 6883 5362, by 5 September.

Watershed Landcare and the Friends of Adam's Lead will also be hosting a fire burn at the reserve in early September, weather permitting.

This is a great opportunity to see first hand how a cool burn and a hot burn can be used as landscape management tools.

We will require some volunteers to assist with set up on the day.

For more information or if you are available to assist, please contact Agness Knapik, Watershed Landcare Co-ordinator,

This event is supported by Watershed Landcare and the Friends of Adam's Lead through funding from the Australian Government's 25th Anniversary Landcare Grants.
