Helping hands needed at Adams Lead Reserve
Published 8 April 2016. The Friends of Adams Lead Reserve are inviting the community to be part of a planting event next month...
The Friends of Adams Lead Reserve are inviting the community to be part of a planting event next month.
Adams Lead is a Crown Land reserve located just to the South West of Gulgong. The area contains mature remnants of Grassy Box Woodland, an important Endangered Ecological Community.
Friends of Adams Lead volunteers have been working to conserve and restore Adams Lead to be preserved for the community and future generations to enjoy.
The group have been working to enhance this Grassy Box Woodland Remnant by removing weeds and improving the condition of the native vegetation community with additional plantings. A mosaic burn was also conducted with the help of the Rural Fire Service, Green Army and Mid-Western Regional Council last September.
The site is approximately 200 m by 250 m, covering an area of 5 hectares and also contains historic goldfield diggings and mullock heaps and a small water body. A small picnic area with BBQ, signage and walking tracks have been developed to further enhance the social and educational appeal of the site.
Helpers are needed on Saturday, 7 May, from 9 am onwards to plant tube stock, spread mulch and water the new plants. Morning tea and a sausage sizzle lunch will be provided.
Adams Lead Reserve is located on Mayne Street (Goolma Road) 600 m south west of the
Mayne Street Castlereagh Highway round-about, Gulgong, NSW 2852.
Please contact either Di O’Mara, on 6374 1350 or 0448 539 573, or Phyllis Setchell, on 0247 920 887 or by email prpatita500@gmail.com, if you can help in any way.