Seminar for small acreage farmers

Published 22 May 2015. Central Tablelands Local Land Services (LLS) will be hosting a seminar for small acreage farmers and rural lifestyle block owners in Mudgee next week...

Central Tablelands Local Land Services (LLS) will be hosting a seminar for small acreage farmers and rural lifestyle block owners in Mudgee next week.

Following a series of successful seminars, in Lithgow, Bathurst and Orange, landholders in the Mudgee district will have the opportunity to obtain information on a range of topics relevant to their farming or hobby operation.

“Small acreages and rural lifestyle blocks form a large part of the Central Tablelands community and landscape.” said Julie Reynolds, Land Services Officer with the Central Tablelands LLS.

“The seminar aims to help the local community by providing information on their responsibilities as landholders and to dispel any myths and misinformation.” she continued.

The seminar will cover biosecurity, feral animals, noxious weeds, livestock production, animal health, pasture and grazing management, rural crime prevention, bushfire property protection and tax implications for small farms.

The Mudgee small farmers and rural lifestyle block owners seminar will be held on Friday 29 May from 6-8pm at Parklands Resort.

Representatives from Local Land Services, Mid-Western Regional Council's “weed department”, the Rural Fire Service, NSW police and (Cheethan Accountants?) will be available to answer specific questions and provide further information following the seminar.

“We also want to hear what the communities' issues are and to find out how we can help them in their landscape.” said Julie.

Feedback received from participants during and after the seminar will inform the Central Tablelands LLS in their planning for future workshops and seminars.

Whether you've been in the game for a long time or are new to the Mudgee district or the land, this is a great opportunity meet like minded people and access a wide range of information all in the one place.

The seminar is free and will be followed by a light supper. Please RSVP for catering purposes by Wednesday 27 May.

For further information or to register contact Julie Reynolds at the Central Tablelends LLS Mudgee office on 6378 1706 or
