Bringing people together to enrich our local environment. West Hume Landcare is a not-for-profit incorporated organisation based in Burrumbuttock in southern NSW.

West Hume Landcare was established in 1989 as a response to community concerns around land degradation and a desire to work together. It is one of the first community run Landcare group in New South Wales.

In 2019 we celebrated 30 years of community action. Over this time, we have gained millions of dollars in funding to support projects in our local area focussed on addressing salinity, erosion, habitat loss, pest and weed issues and supporting threatened species.

We have organised over 300 events, managed over 70 projects and supported the development of the award winning Wirraminna Environmental Education Centre at Burrumbuttock.

Our activities are focused around Burrumbuttock, Balldale, Brocklesby, Howlong, Jindera, Walbundrie and Walla Walla in the Murray region but we welcome members from all areas whose interests align with our own.

Our volunteer committee, Executive Officer, Local Landcare Co-ordinators and Project Officers are dedicated to supporting West Hume landcare members and our community.

Landcare Enabling Program 2024-2027

West Hume Landcare is one of the hosts for the organisations for the Landcare Enabling Program 2024-2027. We participate in the Murray Landcare Collective and are project partners with many regional and statewide projects.

We host two 0.5FTE Local Landcare Co-ordinators:

  1. Greater Hume Shire (west and south) Kathie Le Busque
  2. AlburyCity LGA Paula Sheehan.

The Local Coordinator is that of an enabler for local community volunteer Landcare. Local Coordinators will work with their host organisation and the Landcare groups and organisations of their area to support and empower them to achieve their own goals, to participate in Landcare, to partner with Local Land Services and to deliver on the target outcomes of the NSW Landcare Enabling Program. The aim of the local Landcare coordinators is to deliver and support on-ground projects specific to the needs of the local natural environmental and agricultural systems.

In addition to the delivery of on-ground projects, the local coordinators will deliver on a number of other priorities, including:

  • Strengthening the capacity of Landcarers which will result in effective, efficient support to landcarer volunteers, farmers and the community ensuring effective collaboration and partnerships between Landcare groups, Local Land Services, other government agencies
  • Landcare NSW leveraging funding opportunities to maximise socio-economic and environmental outcomes.

Get more information about the current funding opportunity and the NSW Landcare Enabling Program.

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paula.sheehan, kathie.lebusque