Sandy Dellwo

Sandy Dellwo

Associated Region

Sandy shares the Regional Landcare Coordinator (RLC) role in the Murray region with Paula Sheehan, and is hosted by Holbrook Landcare Network. Sandy is based in Deniliquin and works on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. As the Regional Landcare Coordinators, Paula and Sandy coordinate Landcare across the Murray region by supporting and empowering Local Landcare Coordinators, groups and organisations and forming partnerships and connections to achieve natural resource management and sustainable agriculture outcomes with the NSW Landcare Enabling Program.

The Murray region has five NSW Landcare Enabling Program Landcare 2023-2027 host organisations. Each host employs Landcare Co-ordinator/s. These coordinators and host organisations, along the Paula and Sandy, support community landcare and the Murray Landcare Collective. The Murray RLC convenes the Murray Landcare Collective and is a part of the statewide landcare network, playing a key role in expanding and multiplying on the benefits delivered at the local district and network scale. Paula and Sandy will also support regional approaches to priority planning, regional collaboration, regional organisation and the capacity for Landcare networks and groups in their regions to participate more effectively in larger scale opportunities.

Sandy is passionate about forming connections and collaborating with people in natural resource management, sustainable agriculture and Landcare and has extensive experience in community engagement across the Murray region including the past 5 years as the Regional Agriculture Landcare Facilitator. Sandy's formal qualifications are a Bachelor of Agricultural Science and Diploma of Education (Primary). Sandy lives just out of Deniliquin on a mixed farming property with her husband and 3 sons.