Meet 4 dates per year for special events, at Benjamin Drive, Wallsend. Please contact us for more information.
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Meet 1:30pm, 3rd Sunday of each month at Aries Way bend.
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Located on the Far South Coast of NSW, Barrabaroo Landcare Inc covers the catchment area of Barrabaroo Creek. The area lies east of the Princes Highway between ...
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Bedlam Bay Bushcare volunteers meet monthly on a Saturday meeting at the entrance to Bedlam Bay - Parramatta River Regional Park at the Parramatta end of Punt ...
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Engaging a minimum 10 landholders as well as community members to improve riparian condition along a minimum 6km stream length over three years during 2019-21
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Bellinger Landcare Inc
Engaging the community in improving the condition of the Urunga coastal freshwater wetland on floodplain in NSW endangered ecological community.
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Bellinger Landcare Inc
Ben Lomond Landcare group is the proud recipient of a Community Action Grant (2010 and 2011) that will assist Ben Lomond farmers to create and sustain healthy ...
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