Hydes Creek Koala Corridor Project

Reinforcing a crucial Koala corridor in the Bellingen Shire

Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI033-008

The issue

An area with the highest density of Koala record within the Bellingen Shire outside of National Park estate is located on private land between Bongil Bongil National Park, Pine Creek State Forest, Tuckers Knob State Forest and Dorrigo National Park. This area is the missing link in a corridor which would allow the movement of Koalas from the coast to the plateau. This linkage area has been identified as crucial to the survival of Koalas in the Bellingen Shire by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage under the Bellingen Koala Plan of Management.

The solution

As part of the Jaliigirr Biodiversity Alliance and World Wildlife Fund, Bellinger Landcare are working on establishing a crucial link allowing the movement of Koalas across the landscape. We are engaging private landholders, Hydes Creek Landcare Group and the Friends of Wonga Forest in establishing and reinforcing the corridorWe are also working with the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage Saving Our Species Koala project lead and the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service to deliver the best outcomes possible for Koala movements across the landscape. Significant funding has now been contributed by the World Wildlife Fund, NSW Environmental Trust, OEH Saving our Species program, North Coast Local Land Services and Bellingen Shire Council.

The impact

This project is engaging private landholders and two local Landcare groups in extensive bush regeneration and revegetation work. This includes the engagement of professional bush regeneration contracts and the Hydes Creek Landcare Group assisting with tree planting on the private land. The Friends of Wonga Forest have been improving an important site integral to the corridor behind the Bellingen Cemetery in the township of Bellingen by running in working bees run on the first Sunday of every month. The project involves the installation of two educational signs at key locations and the delivery of two tree planting workshops.


The time and energy contributed to the project by dedicated volunteers from the BLI Committee and two local Landcare groups have been essential to project success. Excellent relationship building skills of the BLI Project Manager has meant that the initial funding received has been supplemented by funding from multiple project partners. A BLI place on the Council Koala Advisory Committee means that our relationships with project partners and key stakeholders can be further strengthened with the hope that the project runs for the much longer term to achieve significant Koala conservation benefits.

Author: Sandy Eager

Key facts

  • 10 private landholders engaged
  • 2 local Landcare groups engaged
  • 3,600 trees planted
  • 28ha total project area
  • 2 tree planting workshops and educational signage delivered

Project Partners