Landcare comes to Bourke

Bourke in North Western NSW has a new landcare group to look after the town's beautiful natural areas along the Darling River

Landcare comes to Bourke

Bourke in North Western NSW has a new landcare group to look after the town's beautiful natural areas along the Darling River

Capacity to Deliver -


The issue

Bourke is a remote town in the northeast corner of Western NSW. Through it, runs the Darling River.
The people of Bourke, including school-aged kids, are passionate about their environment surrounding the river and the quality of the environment in the township – including the fishing reserve.

There appeared to be a need for a volunteer group to take on the care and promotion of Bourke’s natural environment and the time seemed right!

The solution

The local Landcare Coordinator in Bourke, Julia, put the message out to the community over a couple of months to see what interest there was to have a Landcare group in Bourke. A meeting was held on an evening at the RSL club, and 11 enthusiastic residents attended.

The impact

The wide cross-section of the Bourke community that attended the inaugural meeting discussed the many ideas that they had for a Landcare Group and came up with the following top 3 priorities:

- The establishment of a community garden
- General beautification of the town
- Involving the primary and high schools kids in Landcare activities

The Bourke Shire Council is onboard with the running of a Landcare group and so far 15 people are keen to be a part of the group and are currently planning the group's first AGM.

Key facts

  • Urban Landcare out West
  • New Landcare group forms with 15 members
  • The people of Bourke are taking ownership of their environment

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