BBQing New Life into Landcare
BBQ and Landcare Coordinator boosted Murray Darling Junction Landcare Group MDJLG member numbers to new levels.
Local Links - Stronger Communities - LLCI023-020
The issue
The Murray Darling Junction Landcare Group have been an active group in the Wentworth area for many years and have always laid down projects that make their town a more sustainable and beautiful place to live. In recent years the group has struggled to get projects on the ground due to communication issues and red tape slowing progress. This caused a gradual decline in membership numbers to the point where the group was unable to function since they did not have a quorum.
The solution
The Local Landcare Coordinator, Henry Gregory, consulted with the group, other coordinators and the Western Landcare NSW Executive Officer, Louise Turner, and wrote a Group Recovery Plan. This plan briefly outlined the steps that were to be taken to make one last attempt to boost member numbers and close the group if this was not successful. The main step to be taken to boost members was for Western Landcare NSW to host a free community BBQ on behalf of the MDJLG. This BBQ would gain attention for the group and give interested people a chance to come along, meet the group, learn what they do and become a part of the Landcare movement.
The impact
With help from the MDJLG, Local Landcare Coordinator Henry Gregory put together the BBQ, putting out media releases, radio segments, newsletter articles, social media posts and calling all previous members of the group to get as many people to the BBQ as possible.
On the day 13 people turned up for the BBQ which was less than expected but more than the group needed. Most people who attended the BBQ signed up to the group on the spot. These new members bought their enthusiasm and ideas along that are sure to provide solutions to many of the groups red tape problems. The free community BBQ was a great success and brought new life to the MDJLG.
Key facts
- Food brings people together.
- When people come together great ideas flow to produce a more effective landcare group.